Wednesday, October 17, 2007

it's been a while

So I've been remiss in my posting again. big surprise! lol I'm terrible at keeping up on my blog/journal. It's never been one of my strong suits. The only journal i manage to keep up with is my daily training journal during prep for my shows.

Well last time I told everyone that I was getting tattoos removed and getting ready for USA's. well the ink is almost gone, boy does it hurt and damn is it expensive!!! I decided to do the Indiana state show, and won heavyweights and overall. It was a pretty small show, but nonetheless, another win!! woo hoooo
Then USA's were 2 weeks after the Indiana show, and as my luck would have it, it turned out to be the biggest USA's for women's bodybuilding in quite a while, if not a record turnout. I placed 7Th out of a very tough lightheavy weight class. I was in great company as all the top 6 have placed top 5 at other national shows as well as USA's.

Being ambitious, I decided to do the North American show in an effort to get a top 5 spot. I was 2 points out of 5th. Again, I was in great company and had a great time in Cleveland, thanks to my husband Billy, Danny and Melissa, George and Melanie and all the photog's we got to hang out with and everyone I got to work with.

Now, it's finally off season! I'm trying to make some changes and improvements for next year and really take time to enjoy life right now. It's time Billy and I got to have some fun aside the bodybuilding world that consumes me during prep.

I'm hoping to work with a trainer (that will remain nameless until things are finalized) for next year and hopefully will be able to make the necessary improvements to place, at a minimum, in the top 5 at North Americans next year.

well enough of my ramblings, here's some photo's from my season this year, and I'll try my best to stay on my journal. Thanks for stopping by!


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

A new Me!

Wow, it's a brand new year and I'm slacking on my posting already! So sorry I haven't updated my blog but there's been lots going on. First and foremost, I've decided that it's time to get rid of some of my tattoos. I will eventually get rid of all but 2 of the ones I have currently. You see, I'm 35 years old now and I got all of my tattoos by the ripe old age of 21! I'm in a different place in life now and decided that it's time to say goodbye.

I started seeing a local plastic surgeon, whom I've visited 4 years ago to have some very small tattoos removed. She began the sessions on my shoulder and back tattoos in January. I'll try to give you periodic updates and photo's. I understand this is a process many have contemplated but few have experienced first hand.

My reasons are simple for having my tattoos removed. The first and most important to me is the fact that any meaning they may have had, is gone. THe next is obvious to most, bodybuilding of course. Although I have won Overall awards at 2 shows and placed tope 10 at a national show, I firmly believe that if I am to be successful on the national level, I need to be as 'ink free' as possible. Not to mention that I need to present a physique that is more competitve. I've taken the last 7 months to develope my weak points and refine my strong ones. Through the help of my husband and friends Julia and David Stamper, I feel that I will be the best I've been when July rolls around for USA's.

Well, here's a look at the soon to be extinct tattoos. Photo courtesy of Mark Schaeffer, Junior Nationals 2006.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Hey everyone, I just wanted to wish all of you a very Happy and safe Holiday season. So far I have a tentative list of where I will be and when. I plan to attend the Arnold Classic in March, Junior Nationals in June, and will be competing at the USA Championships in Las Vegas July 28th. I have not planned farther out than July but I'll keep you posted. This weekend I trained with my friend Julia Stamper. She is also a national level bodybuilder. She's going to make some waves in 2007 for sure! Here we are after Junior's this year. Well that's all for now, be back soon and look for Melissa to update the site with 2 photo sets from Juniors taken by Genex! xoxo

Saturday, November 18, 2006

my new site

I just wanted to say hello to everyone and thank you for visiting my site. Melissa Dettwiller is so awesome. She is my webmaster and designer of my site, so you know there will be lots of updates and fun stuff along the way. I'll keep you posted on what's going on in my life here in my diary. I'll share my journey to the USA's 2007 as my prep begins in March and where I'll be and when you can see me during the 2007 season. Thanks for visiting and see you again soon. Here's a pic of me and Mel at Juniors in Chicago this year.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Hi! Welcome to my new blog!